Monday, 7 May 2012

Day one on my new blog

Hello, today is the first effort on my blog.
I am learning lots of computer stuff just to get this going but its a good learning tool.
My aim is to stick to my list of to-do's today.
I guess the first thing to do would be to write the list but so far, that hasn't happened.
My no 1 priority would be to do my physio exercises and a session on the treadmill so i will check in later and my aim is that if  I have to check in, i may actually get more done.
That is the plan anyway and i just remembered the sewing that needs doing so off to write that list. 


  1. Well done Chris! Hope your list system works well:) It's after midnight again here in UK so will have another read tomoz. xx

  2. its working well. not as much today as my back is giving me hell but i am working through getting as many off the list as i can. thanks for the feedback. i don't know how to keep comments on my page and there are not the pretty fonts but its still fun. now i have found how to add photos i will photograph my scrap room mess and we can see about getting it sorted. i will also show some of my scrap projects and beach photos etc.
