Thursday 24 May 2012

good morning all. It's been a few days as i have been busy. I have to say, when i stop writing or reading the lists i get a lot less done. I am now on top of most of the sewing and have a pot of bucket soup made so hope to have time to get loose in the craft room at long last. A wet weekend coming up so just perfect for getting things done in there. It is now a mess again so back to tidy up before i can start creating.
for inspiration to get me moving i have a demo of craft stuff coming up end of June so need to make up some of my workshops so i have some of our latest things to show the ladies. Here is one i invented myself. its a cd cover and wedding card for those of us who like to take photos at friends weddings and then give them the disk.

i used a photo of the bride and groom and had the disk printed with their photo as well.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Hello, been a busy week so haven't got back to this. the lists are still working to an extent but only when i am home. Today i have decided to have the day to tidy up and play in my scrap room. 
With our catalogue changing i have to find all the feral products and separate them and mark all the stuff i have in the new book so i don't accidentally re order it. Other than a bit of exercise and my physio exercises, i plan on cooking a yummy dinner of eggplant rissoles, with pasta sauce on top, mashed spuds and some lovely fresh green beans and carrots with garlic, onion and basil. 
Sounds like the only thing missing is chocolate. hmmm. i think a trip up the shop needs to go on today's list.

Eggplant rissole Recipe   -   this makes quite a few but can be halved.

2 large eggplants - wash and diced 
boil in large pot of salted water till soft, about 10 minutes or so.

Drain well in a colander over the pot and leave for at least half hour or so giving a good shake to get rid of as much water as you can. i press on it with a potato masher to drain it better.
Add - 1/4 finely diced onion
about 1/2 cup of finely grated parmesan cheese
S & P
a handful of freshly chopped basil if you have it. i wash and freeze mine in summer so i can use it all year round or you can get that stuff in a tube or pesto and just add perhaps 2 tbsp.
1 egg
about a cup of breadcrumbs and mix well.
i then put mine in the fridge and leave it for half hour or longer to help it become thicker, so the patties stick together, only if needed.

heat a little olive oil in the frypan.
using a dessert spoon full shape patties into rounds, flatten and fry both sides till brown.
drain on paper towel and keep warm.
serve with a cooked pasta sauce.
 i add a handful of mince to mine but can be vegetarian if you like.
serve with mashed spuds and a green vege of your choice.

great leftover for the next day and had on a sandwich with cheese and baby spinach and toasted.

Sunday 13 May 2012

yesterday's training day master class was so much fun, so for all those interested in a peek, here it is.
All of the products are from Kaszazz's brand new catalogue and i am just loving it. Anyone want a catalogue please let me know.
              I had a great mother's day, got very spoilt and had a lovely lunch out, no cooking all day and i have just enough room for wine and chocolates, and hope you all had a great day too.
back to the lists and getting something done around here and the scrap room tidy again!


Saturday 12 May 2012

had a great training day. this is my comp entry. got 2nd.

Friday 11 May 2012

Really busy day yesterday and 10 out of 14 off my list so its still working well. I might just give myself mother's day off. A day of scrapbooking today at our team training day with lots of new products and a brand new book of stuff to look at and figure out how to get it all!!! Well, ok just half the book then.
I will post my entry in today's competition when i get home. As for the scrap room, well it has only got messier while i packed my gear so maybe Monday is looking good for that tidy up. 

Thursday 10 May 2012

good morning all. i love Friday's. My photography class on today so lots to do.
My lists seem to be keeping me so motivated that i wrote today's list last night so i am off to a good start.

I need to pack for scrap training day tomorrow so the scrap room could get a bit of a tidy up. That could be on every day list but isn't yet. hmm, i think sewing is top of the list today before i go out but i have to say playing in the scrap room so much more fun. posting another layout i did a while back. getting them all into albums needs to be on the list too. i just did the dreaded before photos of the messy scrap room. i think i will post them after i clean up a bit and show the progress or maybe tomorrow.
Well i can safely say my list is working well at keeping me motivated today.  I had 15 things on the list and got 10 done as well as things not on the list so very happy with today. Tribute album 2 almost done and i only started it 3 days ago. It's looking even better than no.1. Physio exercises, 45 minutes on the treadmill and healthy eating all day - check! 

one of my scrap layouts now that i have learnt how to add photos. yep, i am showing off.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

good morning all. well the lists are going well. i haven't got as much done today but i am staying focused and crossing off the list so its all good.
i hope to get to the recipes and photos i want to put on but have yet to find that button on the blog thingy.
i have lost weight since starting this so being busy is a good weight loss tool. Back to see what i can get to next.

Woo hoo!! I found the add photos button so now i can show off some of my scrap projects next and my messy scrap room that needs organising so i can kick my own self up the bum for leaving it a mess. I have yet to take the photos. perhaps later since i didn't get out for lunch as planned.

hmm, well today didn't go to plan but still have stuff crossed off my list so that has to be good.
almost finished book 2 so its been productive.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Good morning all. Today I will start with the list again and see what I can get done before the little ones come for a visit. So much to do that I am not sure where to start but perhaps moving all the things little miss can get into might be the plan after i write the list.
Hope to get as much crossed off today as i did yesterday as i am feeling very happy with the progress.

The list is working.

well it seems this is working for me. I wrote 13 things on my to do list and i got through 12 so that is an impressive effort for today.
I find lists are what motivate me.
Getting off one's butt sure makes a difference as i am up to 14,000 steps on the pedometer and the stuck to the computer day yesterday i racked up about 3000.
Thank god for leftovers as i haven't the energy to cook tonight now.
very impressed that part of my day included some de cluttering and i now have about 7000 less recipes books.
Tomorrow i might just post a recipe if i get some feedback.

Monday 7 May 2012

Well now i have the list written after i found the pen and paper, i best get on with the day.
i would love to have comments so feel free to post them.
Well, i have written the list after finally finding a pen and pad and i think, tidy up could be a no.1 on the list. Sewing and exercise comes next and then back to the book i am making.

Day one on my new blog

Hello, today is the first effort on my blog.
I am learning lots of computer stuff just to get this going but its a good learning tool.
My aim is to stick to my list of to-do's today.
I guess the first thing to do would be to write the list but so far, that hasn't happened.
My no 1 priority would be to do my physio exercises and a session on the treadmill so i will check in later and my aim is that if  I have to check in, i may actually get more done.
That is the plan anyway and i just remembered the sewing that needs doing so off to write that list.